REST: Part 1 - HTTP API 设计思路
本文为 REST 系列第一篇
- Part 1 - HTTP API 设计思路 (本文)
- Part 2 - 缓存
What is REST
REST, stands for REpresentational State Transfer, proposed by Roy Fielding in his 2000 PhD dissertation[1], is an architectural approach to designing web services. APIs that follow the REST architectural style are called REST/RESTful APIs. Web services that implement REST architecture are called RESTful web services. The term RESTful API generally refers to RESTful web APIs[2].
Roy Fielding 为 REST 架构提出了 6 大设计准则/约束 (constraints):
- Client-Server
- Stateless
- Cache
- Uniform Interface
- Layered System
- Code on demand (optional)
Uniform Interface is fundamental to the design of any RESTful webservice. It indicates that the server transfers information in a standard format. The formatted resource is called a representation in REST. This format can be different from the internal representation of the resource on the server application. For example, the server can store data as text but send it in an HTML representation format.Uniform interface helps to decouple the client and service implementations.
Uniform interface imposes four architectural constraints:
- Requests should identify resources. They do so by using a uniform resource identifier.
- Clients have enough information in the resource representation to modify or delete the resource if they want to. The server meets this condition by sending metadata that describes the resource further.
- Clients receive information about how to process the representation further. The server achieves this by sending self-descriptive messages that contain metadata about how the client can best use them.
- Clients receive information about all other related resources they need to complete a task. The server achieves this by sending hyperlinks in the representation so that clients can dynamically discover more resources.
Statelessness refers to a communication method in which the server completes every client request independently of all previous requests. Clients can request resources in any order, and every request is stateless or isolated from other requests. This REST API design constraint implies that the server can completely understand and fulfill the request every time.
In a Layered System architecture, the client can connect to other authorized intermediaries between the client and server, and it will still receive responses from the server. Servers can also pass on requests to other servers. You can design your RESTful web service to run on several servers with multiple layers such as security, application, and business logic, working together to fulfill client requests. These layers remain invisible to the client.
Cacheability: RESTful web services support caching, which is the process of storing some responses on the client or on an intermediary to improve server response time. For example, suppose that you visit a website that has common header and footer images on every page. Every time you visit a new website page, the server must resend the same images. To avoid this, the client caches or stores these images after the first response and then uses the images directly from the cache. RESTful web services control caching by using API responses that define themselves as cacheable or noncacheable.
Code on demand (optional): In REST architectural style, servers can temporarily extend or customize client functionality by transferring software programming code to the client. For example, when you fill a registration form on any website, your browser immediately highlights any mistakes you make, such as incorrect phone numbers. It can do this because of the code sent by the server.
Client-Server 架构分离准则看似毫无必要提及,因为它在今日已被广泛采用。但 2000 可是一个 PHP 和 Java Server Pages(JSP) 主导网站开发的年代,提出这点很有前瞻性。如 Roy Fielding 所言
By separating the user interface concerns from the data storage concerns, we improve the portability of the user interface across multiple platforms and improve scalability by simplifying the server components. Perhaps most significant to the Web, however, is that the separation allows the components to evolve independently, thus supporting the Internet-scale requirement of multiple organizational domains.
REST 架构并不依赖于任何底层协议,目前大部分 REST API 实现的应用层协议为 HTTP。在此,Uniform Interface 首先意味着
- 不论 Server 以何种格式存储数据,Client 端以何种方式应用或展现数据,它们之间按固定格式传输数据,如 HTML, JSON,XML,JPEG,MP4
应用与之相随的 four architectural constraints
- 围绕资源设计 API,比如 URI
表示订单集合 (collection of orders),
表示 id 为 1 的某特定订单 (particular order withid=1
) - 使用标准的 HTTP verbs 操作资源,如 GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE
应用 1,2 之后,客户端拿到 URL
,进一步获取订单详情DELETE or{orderId}
假设获取到 id=1 的订单信息为如下 JSON
POST -d '{"orderValue":9.9,"productId":2,"quantity":3}'
PUT -d '{"orderValue":100,"productId":1,"quantity":1}'
REST 中 URI + HTTP verbs 的方式约定化了资源定位及资源操作,基于这种风格设计的 API 自表达,易理解,沿着 GET 操作可以推断出所有资源的操作方式。这也是 POST
的原因,创建操作约定化到了 HTTP POST 中,减少了记忆负担。而大部分资源只需 POST(C) GET(R) PUT/PATCH(U) DELETE(D) 就够了。
2008 年, Leonard Richardson 提出了有关 Web API 的成熟度模型
- Level 0: Define one URI, and all operations are POST requests to this URI.
- Level 1: Create separate URIs for individual resources.
- Level 2: Use HTTP methods to define operations on resources.
- Level 3: Use hypermedia (HATEOAS, described below).
大部分 REST Web API 都只达到了 Level 2。
达到 Level 3 HATEOAS(Hypertext as the Engine of Application State) 的 API 有更强的自我表达能力,比如订单详情可以再包含 links 数组,指向关键的客户资源及操作方式
一套达到 Level 3 的 REST API,只需对某几 URI 执行 GET 操作,而无需要任何文档,即可以探索出所有 URIs 及其所有操作方式。
URI 设计
Google API 格式
Gmail API 示例 [3]
- users/{userId}/profile –>{userId}/profile
- users/{userId}/messages/{id} –>{userId}/messages/{id}
- users/{userId}/labels/{id} –>{userId}/labels/{id}
Cloud Pub/Sub API 示例 [4]
- projects/{project}/topics/{topic}/ –>{project}/topics/{topic}
- projects/{project}/subscriptions/{sub} –>{project}/subscriptions/{sub}
- projects/{project}/topics/{topic}/subscriptions –>{project}/topics/{topic}/subscriptions
Gmail API 既在域名包含了服务名,又在 path 中包含了服务名。相比之下我更推崇 Cloud Pub/Sub API,它格式更为简洁。
Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines 推荐这样定义 URL
把 users 信息和 regions 信息放到了域名。对于 Azure 这类全球各地部署的云服务,这样做比较合理。实践中可以根据业务自行设计
- 如果服务会部署到每个机房,且只暴露给开发者,那么
这种合理。但如果 API 面向用户,最好封装成
这类统一格式,由中间层路由到各区域域名。 - 如果服务只是单机房部署,则无此必要
- 用户信息可以放置在 Header 中,采用 Bearer Token, API keys, OAuth 之类的方式
Google 选择用 URL Path 存放 API Version,具有强制性,对代码来说路由友好。Microsoft Azure 则将 API Version 放到了 URL Query,变为可选参数,类似地还可放到 HTTP Header,如 Github X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28
看起来,URL Path 方式简单好实践一些。切记 URL Path 方式和 URL Query 方式更加缓存友好(同一 URL 指向同一资源),尤其在使用了缓存代理的大型系统中。
再谈 Resources 层级,Azure/Architecture/Best Practices: RESTful web API design 提倡
Avoid requiring resource URIs more complex than collection/item/collection.
但 Azure API 看起来就很长,比如虚拟机接口
应该说,只要资源从属明确,URL 长点也没关系,比如 Gmail 中大多资源都归属某用户(如 users/*/messages/*
),Azure 中大部分资源归属在 subscriptions/*/resourceGroups/*/providers/*
- Gmail API 除去约定的 User,每一资源都很短,如
- Azure 去除约定 subscriptions,resourceGroups,providers 后,每一资源也很短,如
再举例说明,用 /customers/* 表示用户,用户拥有订单,订单含有产品,容易产生这样的 URIs
- /customers/1
- /customers/1/orders/99
- /customers/1/orders/99/products
仔细想想,如果订单并不严格属于用户,那么 /customers/1/orders/99 就很费解;而 products 只是关联于 orders,并无严格从属。拆散为这些 URLs 会更灵活一些
- /customers/1
- /customers/1/orders(支持查询用户的所有订单,列表返回
- /orders/99(但是订单详情走独立 Path
- /products (产品也走独立 Path
若资源从属不明确,一律采用短 URI 设计,这样资源之间关系简单,架构演进方便。
对于 orders has products 的场景,可以按照 HATEOAS 原则,在 JSON 对象中添加 links 数组提供对应链接。此外 Kubernetes 实现的 API 发现机制也有借鉴意义 —— 沿着服务根目录触发,可以遍历出所有的资源。
注: Kubernetes 所用 REST library 是 emicklei/go-restful。
Microsoft REST API Guidelines 总结了各 HTTP Method 的语义描述和幂等性,对应 RFC 9110/(POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS) 和 RFC 5789/PATCH
Method | Description | Success Status Code | Is Idempotent |
GET | Get the resource or List a resource collection | 200-OK | True |
HEAD | Return metadata of an object for a GET response. | 200-OK | True |
OPTIONS | Get information about a request | 200-OK | True |
POST | Create a new object based on the data provided, or submit a command | 201-Created with URL of created resource, 200-OK for Action | False |
PUT | Replace an object, or create a named object, when applicable | 200-OK, 201-Created, 204-No Content | True |
PATCH | Apply a partial update to an object | 200-OK, 204-No Content | False |
DELETE | Delete an object | 200-OK, 204-No Content | True |
对于 POST/PUT/DELETE,如果处理时间过长需异步处理,可以返回 202 (Accepted)
对于 PUT/PATCH/DELETE,如果响应 Body 为空,建议返回 204 (No Content)。 Azure/Architecture/Best Practices: RESTful web API design 则建议即便是 GET,只要结果为 empty sets (如应用过滤条件之后结果为空集),也应返回 204 (No Content),而不是 200 (OK)。
注意: URL Path 之外请求字段应通过 URL query parameters 传输,而不是存储于 Body
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request.
Google Cloud API design guide 提供了 List Sub-Collections 的思路(使用 -
如果 List 结果条数过多,按照复杂度可以添加分页、过滤、排序功能
典型的客户端驱动分页如下,limit 表示返回单页条数,offset 表示 starting offset。服务端应返回包含集合总条数 (total number) 的 Metadata。
Google 引入 page token 并移除了 offset,改由服务端驱动分页。Google Calendar 示例: 客户端通过 maxResults 声明单次响应条数,服务端返回 nextPageToken 字段声明还有下一页可供获取
客户端下一请求中送入 pageToken 参数,对应上一响应中返回的 nextPageToken
Google 主导的 Kubernetes apiserver 使用 limit(对应 maxResults) 和 continue(对应 pageToken) 语义分页
客户端申请分页,单页数量 5。apiserver 返回第 1 页 5 条内容,返回 continue 并提示剩余 15 条
调整 limit 为 10,送入 continue 参数获取下一页。apiserver 返回第 2 页 10 条内容,返回 continue 并提示剩余 5 条
客户端获取最后 5 条。服务端返回不再返回 continue 和 remainingItemCount。
类似地,Google Cloud API design guide design_patterns/List Pagination 将 maxResults 换成了 page_size,其他没有变化。
Microsoft REST API Guidelines 提供了非常好的过滤规范
Operator | Description | Example |
Comparison Operators | ||
eq | Equal | city eq ‘Redmond’ |
ne | Not equal | city ne ‘London’ |
gt | Greater than | price gt 20 |
ge | Greater than or equal | price ge 10 |
lt | Less than | price lt 20 |
le | Less than or equal | price le 100 |
Logical Operators | ||
and | Logical and | price le 200 and price gt 3.5 |
or | Logical or | price le 3.5 or price gt 200 |
not | Logical negation | not price le 3.5 |
Grouping Operators | ||
( ) | Precedence grouping | (priority eq 1 or city eq ‘Redmond’) and price gt 100 |
注:MS 推荐用 $
Example: all products with a name equal to ‘Milk’
Example: all products with a name not equal to ‘Milk’
Example: all products with the name ‘Milk’ that also have a price less than 2.55:
Example: all products that either have the name ‘Milk’ or have a price less than 2.55:
Example: all products that have the name ‘Milk’ or ‘Eggs’ and have a price less than 2.55:
filter 优先级
Group | Operator | Description |
Grouping | ( ) | Precedence grouping |
Unary | not | Logical Negation |
Relational | gt | Greater Than |
ge | Greater than or Equal | |
lt | Less Than | |
le | Less than or Equal | |
Equality | eq | Equal |
ne | Not Equal | |
Conditional AND | and | Logical And |
Conditional OR | or | Logical Or |
Microsoft REST API Guidelines 提供了非常好的排序规范,即使用 orderBy 字段
注:MS 推荐用 $
示例:返回 people list,按照 name 升序排列
示例:返回 people list,按照 name 降序排列
示例:返回 people list,先按照 name 降序排列,再按照 hireDate 降序排列
示例:filter 与 orderBy 联合使用
如果资源过大,如视频大文件,服务端可引入 Range 支持 [5]。
HEAD 请求专门用于获取资源元信息(Headers),除了 Body 为空外,其响应内容和 GET 请求相同。
The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT send content in the response. HEAD is used to obtain metadata about the selected representation without transferring its representation data, often for the sake of testing hypertext links or finding recent modifications. — RFC 9110
客户端可先发起 HEAD 请求,发现资源对象过大后再发起 Range
使用 HEAD 获取元数据
客户端根据响应结果使用 Range 获取部分数据
服务端根据声明,返回字节流 0-2499/4580
Create <—> HTTP POST/PUT
规范建议使用 POST 或 PUT 表达创建语义。它们之间区别见 RFC 9110 4.3.4
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT methods is highlighted by the different intent for the enclosed representation. The target resource in a POST request is intended to handle the enclosed representation according to the resource’s own semantics, whereas the enclosed representation in a PUT request is defined as replacing the state of the target resource. Hence, the intent of PUT is idempotent and visible to intermediaries, even though the exact effect is only known by the origin server.
对于如下 POST 请求
服务端实现在解析到 Body {"msg": "hello"}
,体现在 Response Header Location,响应如下内容
对于如下 PUT 请求
服务端解析完 Body 之后,发现资源 resources/hellomsg
不存在,尊重 PUT 请求创建如下内容
返回响应如下(无需包含 Location Header
- POST 倾向于表达不确定的创建,服务端收到请求后,可以自行生成资源 URI,自行添加字段,且多次请求可能创建多个资源对象。最终资源属性不必与请求属性一致
- PUT 倾向于表达确定的创建或者替换,客户端知道资源 URI,知道资源的全部表现内容,且多次请求结果幂等。最终资源属性必须与请求属性一致
规范建议 POST 返回 201 CREATED 和 Location Header,建议 PUT 返回 201 CREATED。
这也解释了 POST Path 应该不包含,而 PUT Path 应包含 name/id 的原因
- POST /resources
- PUT /resources/{name}
对于资源全局更新,使用 HTTP PUT。对于资源部分更新,使用 HTTP PATCH (see RFC 5789)。
按照 RFC 9110 定义,PUT 可执行创建或者整体更新操作
The PUT method requests that the state of the target resource be created or replaced with the state defined by the representation enclosed in the request message content.
- 如果创建了资源,返回 201 (Created)
- 如果更新成功且响应 Body 包含资源对象,返回 200 (OK)
- 如果更新成功但响应 Body 不包含资源对象,返回 204 (No Content)
PATCH 适合更新大对象(上百字段,一堆字节)的场景,比如设置 K8s Node 为不可调度时,使用 PATCH 可避免传输整个 Node 对象
类似 PUT,更新成功后,可返回 200 (OK) 并在 Body 包含更新后的对象,也可返回 204 (No Content) 同时 Body 置空
对于异常情况,Update 操作通常可以返回
- 400 (Bad Request)(请求参数非法
- 404 (Not Found)(仅限 PATCH
- 409 (Conflict)(请求字段不存在-PATCH、并发冲突
Delete <—> HTTP DELETE
- 202 (Accepted),表异步删除
- 204 (No Content),删除完成且 Response Body 为空
- 200 (OK),删除完成且在 Response Body 包含删除状态描述
关于 200 (OK) 返回的删除状态描述,最简单实现是给原先的资源对象带上删除时间戳,复杂场景可以添加状态字段展现更多细节。
注,DELETE 不要使用 Request Body RFC 9110 section-9.3.5 指出
Although request message framing is independent of the method used, content received in a DELETE request has no generally defined semantics, cannot alter the meaning or target of the request, and might lead some implementations to reject the request and close the connection because of its potential as a request smuggling attack (Section 11.2 of HTTP/1.1).
Custom Methods/Actions
并非所有的资源动词都能对应 CRUD,比如
- Cancel,取消任务
- Move,移动资源
- Search,搜索
- Undelete,撤销删除
- Start/Stop/Resume,开始/停止/恢复运行
- Execute,执行某项操作
- Reboot,重启虚拟机/容器
于是需要引入自定义操作。Google Cloud API design guide 推荐这样表达
Microsoft Azure REST API Guidelines 也类似
自定义操作一律应该使用 POST 方法,且成功响应一律为 200(OK)。
实践中,不一定需要严格这么来。Azure 自家的MySQL 启动 API 就未遵守该建议
Kubernetes 中许多 API 也是如此
- watch 通用于所有 K8s 资源,放到了 GroupVersion 后面和具体资源前面,GET /api/v1/watch/pods
- portforward 放到了资源末尾,POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/portforward
因此实践中,采用 URI/action 的方式也无妨。
子资源 URI 和 Methods
针对某项资源,最简单是仅实现 HTTP POST/GET/PUT/DELETE 对应 CRUD API。获取和更新操作应用于整个对象。
大资源如对象字段较多,会有只获取部分字段和只更新部分字段的需求,以 Kubernetes 为例,所有的对象都符合如下格式
spec 存放声明,status 存放状态。status 有单独读取和更新的需求,所以一般都会在标准 Resource URI 上衍生出 status URI,如
Status subresource 一般只支持 3 类请求,GET 用于获取整个 subresource,PUT 用于更新整个 subresource,PATCH 用于局部更新某些字段。
类似地 Kubernetes 还有 scale subresource。
总结子资源 URI 和 Methods
GET/PUT/PATCH /resources/resource/subresource
- 增强了资源的表达能力
- 操作更细出错影响小、传输体积更小
- 基于 URI 可以实现出更细化的权限控制
如果以下条件都不满足,没必要不实现子资源 API
- 对象是否足够大
- 业务是否复杂
自定义 HTTP Code 会增加理解成本和维护成本,应极力避免。
最佳实践是仅使用 HTTP 规范 RFC 9110 定义的错误码,并在响应 Body 中进一步提供详细的错误描述。
Google API Errors Model in the Design Guide 给出了 JSON 样例
其中 code 与 HTTP Status Code 保持一致,status 提供简短描述(可以复用 HTTP Status Code 描述),message 提供具体错误信息。details 提供更详细信息。用 Google 出品的 Kubernetes 错误来做说明会更具体一些(注意 reason 提供简短描述)
同样是 409 (Conflict),第一个错误信息表示对象 configmaps/my-db-redis-scripts 修改冲突 (版本控制并发冲突),第二个表示 pods/x 已经存在。
客户端仅凭 HTTP Status Code 无法知道具体原因,但是根据 Body 提供的详细描述可以知悉具体原因。
实践中,建议至少提供 code/reason|status/message 字段,可以省略 details。从编程语言序列化反序列化码简便性考量
- 可以自定义错误对象/结构体,类似 Kubernetes API Response Status Kind
- 也可以像前文 样例,在响应 JSON 中保留 error 字段存放这些错误信息
Author Zeng Xu
LastMod 2023-04-12 15:28
License 本作品采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际许可协议 进行许可,转载时请注明原文链接。